Environmental Safety Reports

For more information about our environmental safety efforts, consult the following reports (documents will open as PDF).
Environmental Monitoring Reports (Annual)
These reports summarize the results of the radiological and non-radiological monitoring programs at the listed Naval Nuclear Laboratory sites. The reports also discuss the programs for handling and off-site disposal of radioactive, chemical and hazardous, and mixed wastes. The reports are prepared in conformance with the U.S. Department of Energy guidelines.
Environmental Summary Reports (Quinquennial)
These reports describe the nature and environmental aspects of work and facilities at the sites and provide a historical perspective of operations that is not provided by the annual reports. The reports also provide background information, such as the geologic and hydrologic nature of the sites, pertinent to understanding the environmental aspects of operations.
Naval Reactors Reports
Naval Reactors, also known as the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, publishes several reports assessing the environmental effect of radioactive waste disposal, occupational radiation exposure, and non-radiological occupational health and safety of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program laboratories, support facilities, and U.S. Naval nuclear-powered ships. These reports are available at the Naval Reactor's website.