Procurement Documents
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All downloadable files are in PDF format.
General Provision PDFs
Document | Date | Use |
Commercial General Provisions | 07/2023 | Used for fixed price orders for commercial items or services. |
Services General Provisions | 11/2024 | Used for on- and off-site non-commercial services. |
DOE General Provisions | 07/2023 | Used for other fixed price and cost DOE funded procurements. |
Navy General Provisions | 08/2022 | Used for fixed price and cost Navy funded procurements. |
Educational Institution General Provisions | 08/2022 | Used for procurements with universities. |
Construction General Provisions | 07/2023 | Used for construction and building alteration procurements. |
Construction Design Build Supplement | 10/2019 | Supplement for design build construction orders. |
Construction Time & Material Supplement | 10/2019 | Supplement for time and material construction orders. |
Lease/Rental General Provisions | 08/2022 | Used for any rental or lease other than land and buildings. |
Other Contract Documents PDFs
Document | Date | Use |
Approved Subcontractor Workplace Substance Abuse Program | 05/2019 | Plan that suppliers can utilize if the DEAR Workplace Substance Abuse Programs at DOE Sites is applicable to the purchase order |
Control and Protection of Unclassified Information Not Approved for Public Release | 08/2021 | Document containing guidance regarding information protection for procurements involving Unclassified Information |
Example - Certification | 10/2019 | Example of a certification form that supplier may need to submit. |
Example - Certificate of Conformance | 10/2019 | Example of a certificate of conformance form that supplier may need to submit. |
Example - Inspection Report Data Sheet | 10/2019 | Example of an inspection report data sheet that supplier may need to submit. |
Gratuities Letter | 02/2021 | Policy on gratuities, gifts, and favors. |
NNPP Instruction 5510.01, Controlled Unclassified Information | 03/2024 | Guidance regarding information protection for procurements involving Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) |
P-319, Insurance | 10/2018 | Provides insurance requirements invoked in the purchase order. |
P-321, Government Property Supplement | 09/2019 | Supplemental guidance on Government property requirements contained in the General Provisions. |
P-402, Sustainable Acquisition Program (SAP) Specification | 12/2022 | Used to identify the requirements of the SAP Program and the reporting necessary under this program |
P-411, Instructions for Supplier Preparation of Submittals for Reactor Plant and Propulsion Plant Procurements | 10/2024 | Instructions for suppliers to complete submittal forms (AR, RFI, REC, RAR, DSR) on reactor plant and propulsion plant procurements. |
P-412, Instructions for Supplier Preparation of Submittals for Engineering and Scientific Procurements | 10/2024 | Instructions for suppliers to complete submittal forms (AR, RFI, REC, RAR, DSR) on engineering and scientific procurements. |
P-413, Instructions for Supplier Preparation of Submittals for Laboratory Infrastructure Procurements | 10/2024 | Instructions for suppliers to complete submittal forms (AR, RFI, REC) on laboratory infrastructure procurements. |
Forms PDFs
Document | Title | Use |
P-301 | Proposal Certifications | Required for offers >$250K. |
P-302 | Supplier Data Sheet - Representations | Used to obtain socioeconomic certifications from new suppliers. |
P-305 | Supplier Certification of Exemption from SCLS | Used to certify that an acceptable exemption applies to the work required by the purchase order |
P-306 | Supplier Authorization for Automated Electronic Deposit of Invoice Payments | Used to provide authorization for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments to a supplier |
P-307 | Instructions for Cost or Pricing Data | Instructions regarding submittal of cost or pricing data and using the P-308 to certify cost or pricing data. |
P-308 | Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data | Used as attachment to P-307 to provide cost or pricing data. |
P-309 | Small Business Subcontracting Plan Instructions | Used to obtain a plan from successful offerors on business to be done with small and disadvantaged businesses. Required on actions expected to exceed $750K ($1.5M for construction). |
P-311 | Final Release of Claims by Supplier | Used to obtain release of claims from supplier prior to closeout of purchase orders. |
P-311-I | Interim Release of Claims by Supplier | Used to obtain an interim release of claims from supplier, where appropriate. |
P-312 | Application for Payment | Used to make applications for payments, usually accompanied by invoice and other supporting documentation. |
P-313 | Assignment of Credits and Refunds | Used in closeout of cost type procurements to obtain agreement to assign all rights, titles and interest to all refunds, rebates, credits due under the order. |
P-315 | Supplier Property Certification Data | Used to close out Government property on an order. |
P-316 | Patent Clearance Approval Request | Used to certify if patents are or are not being made in connection with the performance of the purchase order. |
P-317 | Certification of Royalty Payments | Used to certify if Royalty Payments are or are not being made in connection with the performance of the purchase order. |
P-324 | Change of Name Agreement | Used to officially notify FMP of a name change. |
P-325 | Executive Compensation of First-Tier Subcontractor Certification | Used to certify compliance with Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) for orders over $30K. |
P-328 | Cost Control Review Report | Used to submit monthly report of cost commitments, estimated amount required to complete procurement, and other cost control information. |
P-331 | Subcontractor Daily Timesheet | Used to log hours worked on-site by subcontractors. |
P-334 | Authorized Reseller Certification | Required for solicitations for networking equipment and other IT equipment as necessary. |
P-335 | Approval Request (AR) | Used to submit technical contract documents (e.g., drawings, specifications, procedures, inspection plans, manufacturing schedules) as specified in the purchase order. |
P-336 | Request for Information (RFI) | Used to request a contract clarification or editorial change. |
P-337 | Request for Engineering Change (REC) | Used to transmit a recommended change to contract technical requirements for the purpose of correcting a conflict or an error in the requirements or improving the equipment or methods of its manufacture. |
P-338 | Repair Approval Request (RAR) | Used to describe a non-conforming condition and request approval to repair the item to be in full comformance to contract technical requirements using a proposed repair that is of a different kind or is more extensive than is allowed by contract technical requirements. |
P-339 | Degradation of Specification Requirements (DSR) | Used to describe a non-conforming condition and to request acceptance of an item which does not conform to contract technical requirements. |
P-340 | Insurance Release | Used to release FMP from liability when the required insurance coverage is waived. |
P-341 | Workplace Substance Abuse Program Certification | Used to certify compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 707 |
P-342 | Quick Closeout Final Cost Certification | Used to certify compliance with the quick closeout process defined in the FAR |
P-344 | Supplier Payment Request Certification | Used to certify compliance with invoicing requirements on construction purchase orders |
P-345 | Coordinated Procedure Review System (CPRS) Procedure Cover Sheet | Used to request a review of a procedure through CPRS. |
P-350 | Subcontractor Material Log | Used to identify material purchased in support of a Time & Materials purchaser order |
P-416 | Cost/Schedule Control & Reporting Requirements | Guidance for reporting requirements on cost-type procurements |
DavBacon | Davis-Bacon Payroll Form | Used by construction subcontractors to provide their payroll rates. |
DOE 5484.3 | Individual Accident/Injury Report | Used to report an accident or injury. |
DOE 5484.4 | Tabulation of Work-Hours and Vehicle Usage, and Property Valuation | Submitted to Safety on a quarterly basis. |
Standard Form 25A | Payment Bond | Used as payment bond for site work bidders. |
Standard Form 25 | Performance Bond | Used as performance bond for site work bidders. |
WklyStmt | Weekly Statement | Used to provide certification of compliance with Davis Bacon pay requirements. |
Security Documents PDFs
Document | Title | Use |
Arrests Charges Detentions Citations WITH Alcohol or Drugs | Arrests Charges Detentions Citations WITH Alcohol or Drugs | Traffic violations related to alcohol or drugs. |
Arrests Charges Detentions Citations WITHOUT Alcohol Drugs | Arrests Charges Detentions Citations WITHOUT Alcohol Drugs | Arrests, criminal charges (including charges that are dismissed), citations, tickets, summons, or detentions by Federal, state, or other law enforcement authorities for violations of law within or outside the U.S. |
Association or Contact with Foreign Nationals or Foreign Organizations | Association or Contact with Foreign Nationals or Foreign Organizations | Contacts with any known or suspected Foreign Intelligence entity Continuing Association (relationship that has existed, or is expected to exists, for a significant period of time (months or years)) with Foreign National (with a person who is known to be a citizen of a foreign country) *involves bonds of affection *personal obligation (e.g., financial, legal, etc.) *emotional commitment *intimate relationships *business relationships involving exchange of money/goods/services *sharing living quarters, live-in domestic help, exchange student, houseguest *business relationship (Official Government Business excluded) *exchange of personal information (involves discussion of ""private"" information about oneself (that one would not routinely share with strangers) *regardless of how or where the foreign national contact relationship was made or maintained (e.g., personal contact, telephonic, postal system, internet, social media, etc.) Foreign National Roommate-have a citizen of a foreign country as a roommate(s) (person who co-occupies a residence) for a period of more than 30 calendar days Financial Support for Foreign Organizations (Including donations) |
Drug or Alcohol Use or Treatment | Drug or Alcohol Use or Treatment | The use of any Federally illegal drug (to include the abuse or misuse of any legal drug), and any drug- or alcohol-related treatment. |
Elicitation, Contact Attempt to Obtain Information, Coercion, Other Reportable Information | Elicitation, Contact Attempt to Obtain Information, Coercion, Other Reportable Information | Attempted elicitation (to include by media sources), exploitation, blackmail, coercion, or enticement to obtain classified matter or other information or material specifically prohibited by law from disclosure regardless of means, or whether the attempt results in a disclosure. |
Foreign Activities (non US citizen child adoption, foreign election voting, foreign accounts etc | Foreign Activities (non US citizen child adoption, foreign election voting, foreign accounts etc | Application for or receipt of foreign citizenship. Application for, possession, or use of a foreign passport or identity card for travel; Change in citizenship Direct involvement in a foreign business; Opening of a foreign bank account Purchase of a foreign property (whether located in a foreign country or not); Voting in a foreign election Adoption of a non-U.S. citizen child. |
Financial Bankruptcy, Delinquency, Garnishment, Infusion, or Other Activity | Financial Bankruptcy, Delinquency, Garnishment, Infusion, or Other Activity | Bankruptcy Wage garnishment Delinquency more than 120 days on any debt Infusions of assets more than $10,000 or greater, such as inheritance, winnings, or similar financial gain. |
Immediate Family Residing in Sensitive Country | Immediate Family Residing in Sensitive Country | An immediate family member assuming residence in a sensitive country, and |
Legal Name Change | Legal Name Change | Action to legally change one's name. |
In-Patient Care or Treatment for Mental Health | In-Patient Care or Treatment for Mental Health | Hospitalization for mental health reasons. |
Marriage, Divorce, or Cohabitation (includes associated legal name change) | Marriage, Divorce, or Cohabitation (includes associated legal name change) | Marriage/Divorce/Cohabitant(s). All cleared individuals (including individuals with a suspended clearance) and applicants must provide a completed DOE F 5631.34, Data Report on Marriage/Divorce/Cohabitant directly to NR Note: A cohabitant is a person with whom the covered individual resides and shares bonds of affection, obligation, or other commitment, as opposed to a person with whom the covered individual resides for reasons of convenience (e.g., a roommate). A cohabitant does not include individuals such as a husband, wife, and children. |
Reportable by Others (Activity or Behavior that Raises Doubt) | Reportable by Others (Activity or Behavior that Raises Doubt) | Any activity that raises doubts as to whether another covered individual's continued national security eligibility for access to classified matter or to hold a national security position is clearly consistent with the interests of national security. |
Media Contact Attempt to Gain Sensitive Info | Media Contact Attempt to Gain Sensitive Info | Contacted by media (other than official purpose) seeking access to classified information or other information prohibited by law. |
Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Alcohol Abuse) | Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Alcohol Abuse) | Alcohol abuse |
Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Drug Use, Misuse, or Activity) | Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Drug Use, Misuse, or Activity) | Illegal use or misuse of drugs or drug activity. |
Reportable by Others (Criminal Conduct) | Reportable by Others (Criminal Conduct) | Criminal conduct. |
Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Mental Health Issues) | Reportable by Others (Apparent or Suspected Mental Health Issues) | Apparent or suspected mental health issues where there is reason to believe it may impact the covered individual's ability to protect classified matter or other materials specifically prohibited by law from disclosure. |
Reportable by Others (Excessive Indebtedness or Unexplained Affluence) | Reportable by Others (Excessive Indebtedness or Unexplained Affluence) | Unexplained affluence or excessive indebtedness. |
Reportable by Others (Unwillingness to Comply Rules, Regs, Failure to Cooperate Security Requirements) | Reportable by Others (Unwillingness to Comply Rules, Regs, Failure to Cooperate Security Requirements) | An unwillingness to comply with rules and/or regulations, or to cooperate with security requirements. |
Reportable by Others (Misuse of Government Property, Information, or Systems) | Reportable by Others (Misuse of Government Property, Information, or Systems) | Misuse of U.S. government property or information systems |
Unofficial Foreign Travel (Post-Trip) | Unofficial Foreign Travel (Post-Trip) | Post Travel Reporting (1) Unplanned interactions with foreign governments, companies or citizens, and the reasons for the interaction(s) (not including routine travel/tourism-related contacts) (2) Unusual or suspicious occurrences during travel, including those of a possible security or counterintelligence significance; and (3) Any foreign legal or customs incidents. |
Unofficial Foreign Travel (Pre-Trip) | Unofficial Foreign Travel (Pre-Trip) | Personal foreign travel to a non-sensitive country. (Does not include Military Orders) When the need for emergency unofficial foreign travel precludes full compliance with the above requirements, the covered individual must, at a minimum, verbally notify their supervisor/management chain concerning the nature of the emergency. Unplanned border crossings to Canada or Mexico Personal foreign travel to a sensitive country. (Does not include Military Orders) Must receive an appropriate travel briefing from the local security office prior to travel. Deviations from sensitive country travel itineraries must be reported immediately upon return. |
DOE 5631.18 | Security Acknowledgement | Acknowledgment by an individual of one's responsibilities concerning having access to classified data |
DOE 472.12 | Security Termination Statement | Used for termination of personnel security clearances. Obtained from supplier personnel who received DOE access authorization to prepare a classified proposal when such access authorizations are not needed for other Laboratory classified interests. |
DOE 5631.20 | Subcontractor Visit Request (5631.20) | Submitted to security to verify supplier personnel clearance information for individuals who request unescorted site access and access to classified information. |
Introduction to NBIS eAPP | Starting the eAPP Security Clearance Questionnaire | Instructional video on how to log into eAPP and start the Security Clearance Questionnaire |
NBIS eAPP Walkthrough | Brief Overview of the eAPP NBIS Application |